Substituciones con Sed (Parte II)
continuación vamos a escribir algunos ejemplos para darle forma a
estas viñetas. Para esto, realizaremos el ejercicio sobre un
contenido como el siguiente.
(pronounced Listeni/ˈlɪnəks/ LIN-əks[9][10] or, less
frequently, /ˈlaɪnəks/ LYN-əks[10][11]) is a Unix-like
computer operating system assembled under the model of free and
open-source software development and distribution. The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel,[12] an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds.[13][14][15] The Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to describe the operating system, which has led to some controversy. There are many flavors of Linux, which difference is the purposes of each one. For example, Fedora is for general purposes meanwhile Backtrack is intended for penetration testing and auditing. |
Ejercicio 1
la primer coincidencia de la palabra Linux o linux por la palabra
Tux. Notar que las demás coincidencias con el patrón no son
sed 's/[Ll]inux/Tux/1' example.txt |
(pronounced Listeni/ˈlɪnəks/ LIN-əks[9][10] or, less
frequently, /ˈlaɪnəks/ LYN-əks[10][11]) is a Unix-like
computer operating system assembled under the model of free and
open-source so ftware development and distribution. The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel,[12] an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds.[13][14][15] T he Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to describe the operating system, which has led to some controversy. There are many flavors of Linux, which difference is the purposes of each one. For example, Fedora is for general purposes meanwhile Backtrack is intended for penetration testing and auditing. |
Ejercicio 2.
usar un address seguida de una expresión regular para hace
los cambios. El address nos servirá para ubicar un rango de
líneas o una línea en específico sobre la cual actuar. La
siguiente expresión se lee como: en la tercera línea del archivo
example.txt cambia la palabra purpose por Tux únicamente en la
segunda coincidencia que encuentes.
sed '3s/purposes/Tux/2' example.txt |
(pronounced Listeni/ˈlɪnəks/ LIN-əks[9][10] or, less
frequently, /ˈlaɪnəks/ LYN-əks[10][11]) is a Unix-like
computer operating system assembled under the model of free and
open-source software development and distribution. The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel,[12] an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds.[13][14][15] The Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to describe the operating system, which has led to some controversy. There are many flavors of Linux, which difference is the purposes of each one. For example, Fedora is for general Tux meanwhile Backtrack is intended for penetration testing and auditing. |
Ejercicio 3.
de metacaracteres es una tarea poco frecuente, pero que no por ello
dejaremos de aprenderlo. La siguiente expresión se lee como: En la
línea número 3 reemplaza la primer coincidencia de un ‘.’ por
un enter.
-e '3s/\./\ /1' example.txt |
(pronounced Listeni/ˈlɪnəks/ LIN-əks[9][10] or, less
frequently, /ˈlaɪnəks/ LYN-əks[10][11]) is a Unix-like
computer operating system assembled under the model of free and
open-source software development and distribution. The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel,[12] an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds.[13][14][15] The Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to describe the operating system, which has led to some controversy. There are many flavors of Linux, which difference is the purposes of each one For example, Fedora is for general purposes meanwhile Backtrack is intended for penetration testing and auditing. |
Ejemplo 4.
También es posible
añadir caracteres cuando se encuentra un patrón.
sed 's/\([Ll]inux\)/(&)/' example.txt |
(pronounced Listeni/ˈlɪnəks/ LIN-əks[9][10] or, less
frequently, /ˈlaɪnəks/ LYN-əks[10][11]) is a Unix-like
computer operating system assembled under the model of free and
open-sourc e software development and distribution. The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel,[12] an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds.[13][14][1 5] The Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to describe the operating system, which has led to some controversy. There are many flavors of (Linux), which difference is the purposes of each one. For example, Fedora is for general purposes meanwhile Backtrack is intended for penetration testing and audit ing. |
Si se desea extender
a todas las palabras dentro del archivo, solo basta indicare a sed
que lo realice globalmente (comando g).
sed 's/\([Ll]inux\)/(&)/g' example.txt |
(pronounced Listeni/ˈlɪnəks/ LIN-əks[9][10] or, less
frequently, /ˈlaɪnəks/ LYN-əks[10][11]) is a Unix-like
computer operating system assembled under the model of free and
open-sourc e software development and distribution. The defining component of (Linux) is the (Linux) kernel,[12] an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds.[13][1 4][15] The Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/(Linux) to describe the operating system, which has led to some controversy. There are many flavors of (Linux), which difference is the purposes of each one. For example, Fedora is for general purposes meanwhile Backtrack is intended for penetration testing and audit ing. |
Ejemplo 5.
veces me he encontrado con la necedidad de cambiar el orden de las
coincidencias para dar formato a las salidas, ya sea por presentación
o por necesidad de integrarlo con algún script que utiliza las
posiciones como datos. Solo mantener en mente que los paréntesis son
necesarios, asimismo, colocar las diagonales que ‘escapan’ dichos
paréntesis. También hay que recordar que un ‘.’ significa
cualquier caracter y el ‘*’ es cero o más veces. En conjunto
estos últimos dos caracteres se pueden leer como ‘todos los
caracteres hasta antes del «:»’.
a utilizar otro archivo de entrada para dejar claro el concepto.
ten:twenty |
sed 's/\(.*\):\(.*\)/\2:\1/' swap.txt |
twenty:ten |
utiliza algunos comandos para realizar impresiones o eliminación del
pattern space. Hay cerca de 5 comandos con funciones
distintas, al menos cuando no hablamos de multiline. A
continuación vamos a ver algunos de los comandos básicos.
Ejemplo 1
Eliminar todas las
líneas en blanco. Usaremos para el ejemplo, el primer archivo
llamado example.txt.
sed '/^$/d' example.txt |
(pronounced Listeni/ˈlɪnəks/ LIN-əks[9][10] or, less
frequently, /ˈlaɪnəks/ LYN-əks[10][11]) is a Unix-like
computer operating system assembled under the model of free and
open-source software development and distribution. The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel,[12] an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds.[13][14][15] The Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to describe the operating system, which has led to some controversy. There are many flavors of Linux, which difference is the purposes of each one. For example, Fedora is for general purposes meanwhile Backtrack is intended for penetration testing and auditin g. |
utilizarse, asimismo, las address para indicar que línea es la que
deseamos afectar.
Ejemplo 2
todas las líneas (recordar que no afectamos el archivo original) del
archivo. Solo lo veo funcional cuando quiere vaciarse un archivo de
una manera poco convencional en algún foro o charla que se dé, todo
para hacer gala de nuestros conocimientos de sed.
sed 'd' example.txt |
Ejemplo 3.
Eliminar la primer
línea de un archivo.
sed -e '1d' example.txt |
There are many flavors of Linux, which difference is the purposes of each one. For example, Fedora is for general purposes meanwhile Backtrack is intended for penetration testing and auditin g |
Ejemplo 4.
un rango de líneas en un archivo. Por ejemplo, de la 1 a la 10. Para
este ejemplo usaremos un archivo distinto de entrada que contiene 16
líneas de texto.
Unix operating system was conceived and implemented in 1969 at
AT&T's Bell Laboratories in the United States by Ken Thompson,
Dennis Ritchie, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna.[32] Fi rst released in 1971, Unix was written entirely in assembly language, as was common practice at the time. Later, in a key pioneering approach in 1973, it was rewritten in the C programmi ng language by Dennis Ritchie (with exceptions to the kernel and I/O). The availability of a high-level language implementation of Unix made its porting to different computer platforms e asier. 2 3 Due to an earlier antitrust case forbidding it from entering the computer business, AT&T was required to license the operating system's source code to anyone who asked.[33] As a result, Unix grew quickly and became widely adopted by academic institutions and businesses. In 1984, AT&T divested itself of Bell Labs; freed of the legal obligation requiring free licensing, B ell Labs began selling Unix as a proprietary product. 4 5 The GNU Project, started in 1983 by Richard Stallman, has the goal of creating a "complete Unix-compatible software system" composed entirely of free software. Work began in 1984.[34] La ter, in 1985, Stallman started the Free Software Foundation and wrote the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) in 1989. By the early 1990s, many of the programs required in an operating system (such as libraries, compilers, text editors, a Unix shell, and a windowing system) were completed, although low-level elements such as device drivers, daemons, and the kernel were stalled and incomplete.[35][not in citation given] 6 7 Linus Torvalds has stated that if the GNU kernel had been available at the time (1991), he would not have decided to write his own.[36] 8 9 Although not released until 1992 due to legal complications, development of 386BSD, from which NetBSD, OpenBSD and FreeBSD descended, predated that of Linux. Torvalds has also stated tha t if 386BSD had been available at the time, he probably would not have created Linux.[37] 10 11 MINIX was created by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, a computer science professor, and released in 1987 as a minimal Unix-like operating system targeted at students and others who wanted to learn t he operating system principles. Although the complete source code of MINIX was freely available, the licensing terms prevented it from being free software until the licensing changed in April 2000.[38] 12 Creation 13 14 In 1991, while attending the University of Helsinki, Torvalds became curious about operating systems[39] and frustrated by the licensing of MINIX, which at the time limited it to educati onal use only.[38] He began to work on his own operating system kernel, which eventually became the Linux kernel. 15 16 Torvalds began the development of the Linux kernel on MINIX and applications written for MINIX were also used on Linux. Later, Linux matured and further Linux kernel development took pla ce on Linux systems.[40] GNU applications also replaced all MINIX components, because it was advantageous to use the freely available code from the GNU Project with the fledgling operati ng system; code licensed under the GNU GPL can be reused in other computer programs as long as they also are released under the same or a compatible license. Torvalds initiated a switch from his original license, which prohibited commercial redistribution, to the GNU GPL.[41] Developers worked to integrate GNU components with the Linux kernel, making a fully functional and free operating system.[35] |
sed '1,10d' lines.txt |
was created by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, a computer science professor,
and released in 1987 as a minimal Unix-like operating system
targeted at students and others who wanted to learn the o perating system principles. Although the complete source code of MINIX was freely available, the licensing terms prevented it from being free software until the licensing changed in April 20 00.[38] Creation In 1991, while attending the University of Helsinki, Torvalds became curious about operating systems[39] and frustrated by the licensing of MINIX, which at the time limited it to educational use only.[38] He began to work on his own operating system kernel, which eventually became the Linux kernel. Torvalds began the development of the Linux kernel on MINIX and applications written for MINIX were also used on Linux. Later, Linux matured and further Linux kernel development took place o n Linux systems.[40] GNU applications also replaced all MINIX components, because it was advantageous to use the freely available code from the GNU Project with the fledgling operating syste m; code licensed under the GNU GPL can be reused in other computer programs as long as they also are released under the same or a compatible license. Torvalds initiated a switch from his ori ginal license, which prohibited commercial redistribution, to the GNU GPL.[41] Developers worked to integrate GNU components with the Linux kernel, making a fully functional and free operati ng system.[35] |
Con estos ejemplos concluimos la segunda fase de
utilización de sed. No son todos los comandos que podemos utilizar,
sin embargo, estaré abordando los otros comandos en la siguiente
entrega de esta serie de escritos sobre el tema.
Espero que encuentren de utilidad y redactados de
manera clara cada uno de los ejemplos a modo que puedan replicarlos y
aprender algunos usos.
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